your season, all year round

Let’s dispel some myths about your colors. Such as, what colors do you wear in the other seasons of the year? What about when you have a tan, or if you dye your hair? Spoiler: you wear YOUR colors. Always. But why?

Above: there is something totally chic about an Autumn in earth tones all year round.

Myth: you should wear dark colors in the winter and light colors in the summer.

Fact: Every Season has dark, pastel, bright, and neutral colors encapsulated in the palette, in keeping with the Season’s characteristics (warm, cool, soft, clear). You have a wide range of colors that suit you, and you can be festive, beachy, moody, and breezy without going off palette - AKA you can look your best with your colors all year round.

Myth: if you dye your hair, your best colors will change to match.

Fact: Your Season is determined by your skin undertones, not your hair color. If you want to change your hair color, you can further enhance your natural beauty by choosing a shade that suits your Season. For example, auburn red is ravishing on Autumns, but looks unnatural or garish on Summers. Summers shine in the coveted cool blonde (like Billie Eilish), whereas Springs need golden tones to look their best. But more on that later…

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Above: Gorgeous Autumn Alise goes from golden blonde highlights to her natural warm brown. Look how she glows!

Myth: But, what if I go gray? Then I become a Winter right?

Fact: Nope! Every Season’s hair grays with age, and your colors will suit you for life. Winters tend to go silver or white, whereas Autumns go yellow-gray. Springs gray later than most, and retain some natural color. Summers look particularly beautiful with gray streaks in their already-ashen locks. Embrace your natural gray, or choose a dye that suits your Season. Remember: aging is a great privilege!


Above: Beautiful Spring Meryl looking divine in ivory at any age.

Myth: I get really tan in the summer, so I will probably look better in totally different colors then.

Fact: Your skin gets its color from two types of melanin. The skin creates Eumelanin which is responsible for the darkness of the human skin, and Pheomelanin which is responsible for the skin undertone, which ranges from yellow (warm) to red (cool). Eumelanin increases/darkens in response to the sun, whereas Pheomelanin (undertone) does not ever change. Your undertones determine your season, and while a tan might affect which colors from your palette you wear throughout the year, you will always be cool or warm. Every Season CAN tan, but the warm Seasons typically tan more easily than cool Seasons.


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