book a 1:1 call with liz:
The floor is yours! Whether you have an in-depth or private matter you’d rather not bring to the Hot Seat, or you just want to pick Liz’s brain for an hour, this add-on will elevate your style.
10x10 capsule wardrobe:
Whether you’re looking to shake up your day-to-day wardrobe, pack efficiently for a trip, or need help building a uniform for a new stage in life, the 10x10 Capsule Wardrobe is here for you.
*10x10 refers to the idea of taking 10 items from your wardrobe and mixing it up into 10 different outfit combinations.
**The 10 items include articles of clothing, but shoes and accessories won’t be counted as part of the ten items! They will be included in your looks, though.
personal shopping:
Need some extra eyes to scour the internet for the perfect event outfit, or looking to replace those placeholder items that aren’t sparking your joy? Rachel’s here to bring the perfect pieces right to your Hue + Stripe catalog!